StaFi Protocol Weekly Digest — January (week one) Community Updates
December was a very exciting and progressive month for StaFi Protocol as we entered a new chapter in the year 2021 and made significant progress so far . StaFi Protocol being the year
with the biggest announcement being the release of the roadmap Q1, 2021.
In addition, read on to learn more about the recent updates on StaFi technical Updates, partnerships and AMA.
On 30th December, StaFi_Protocol team up with Fire Protocol in terms of asset integration, liquidity staking and many others.
On 4th January, StaFi released it's December Monthly Community Updates.
On 5th January, StaFi Protocol released it's 2021 Q1 Roadmap: rToken launch & integration.
With the release of the Q1 Roadmap, many milestones need to be completed, Q1 will be launch months of rTokens, including rETH,rDOT/rKSM and rFIS, also rXTZ/rATOM/rSOL will be explored,etc, many new staking derivatives will join StaFi.
Bridging rTokens to DeFi, like Ethereum, BSC, Solana,etc, will come after the launch, we build use cases for rTokens, it will be challengale and interesting.
On 7th January, the second grants were released to the validators who have made great contributions during the last estimated period. 17 validators will get nomination. Cheers.
Meanwhile, the next batch grant is opening.
On 8th January, AMA with Chandresh , Founder & CEO @UniLendFinance, and Vishal, Community Lead@UniLendFinance.
Chandresh and Visha connected with StaFi community to discuss how rToken will be integrated into Unilend.
Topics that was discussed:
• Introduction to UniLend
• The future use cases between StaFi rTokens and UniLend.
About StaFi Protocol
StaFi is the first DeFi protocol unlocking liquidity of staked assets. Users can stake PoS tokens through StaFi and receive rTokens in return, which are available for trading, while still earning staking rewards. FIS is the native token on StaFi Chain. FIS is required to provide security to the network by staking, pay for transaction fees on the StaFi chain, and mint & redeem rTokens.
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